你給的愛帶著溫度 You gave your love along with warmth
尤其擁抱時最清楚 Especially clear when we hug
心跳傳來的起伏 Puff rise and fall with heartbeats
像一顆跳動的暖爐 Like there's a little throbbing stove
手放進口袋的溫度 The heat my hands put in pockets
融化了走過的路途 Melt down the road we had walked through
冰天雪地的國度 In a kindom of ice and snow
能抱著你就很滿足 I'm content with embracing you
誰都知道氣候會變 We all know that climate will change
更別說諾言 Let alone our pledge
你的冬衣還留在我窗前 Your greatcoat is still left on my window
你的世界已經準時晴天 It has been cleared up on time in your world
遠方的我在夏天看雪 Faraway I see snow in summer
我的孤獨慢慢凍結 My lonesome slowly freezed over
在沒有你的夜 In the nights without you
給我的愛已經過了期限 The love you gave me had been overdue
而我的心在夏天下雪 And my heart was snowing in summer
明明寒冬已經很遠 Plainly winter is far away
我還是無法 結束這冬眠 Still I can't wake from the hibernation
我的世界亂了季節 Seasons are insane in my world
赤道居然會飄著雪 Snow falls on the eqautor
熱帶雨林的原野 Both rainforests,savannas
看起來白茫茫一片 Seem to be in endless whiteness
回憶在我心中積雪 Recalls piled up snows in my heart
連日出也無法融解 Even sunrise can't melt them down
應該流汗的夏天 In summer that should have sweat
可是卻一直流眼淚 I can't stop myself shedding tears
- Oct 25 Mon 2010 12:57
(歌詞翻譯)飛輪海 夏雪 Fahrenheit Summer Snow 英文版