

你微笑我用懷抱開成一座城堡 You smile and I build a castle for you with my arms
你哭了我把雨滴收進我的背包 You cry and I collect the raindrops in my back pack
星空會繼續閃耀 愛會繼續美好 Starry sky will keep shining Love will keep daintiness
天堂是哪個隧道 沿著夢就到 Along the tunnel of dream we reach our heaven

愛了 等於揭曉 We can announce our love
不需要誰來預告 We don't need the angories
答案在你的心跳 Answer hides in your heartbeats

要漫步多少旅途 How many treks should we take
我們都心裡有數 Both we know the score plainly
比誰都清楚一定走到幸福 Know more than others that we'll reach happiness
離永遠還有幾步 How far we are from our goal
我們在心裡面倒數 We count down the steps in our minds
因為你 眼中藏著未來的地圖 Because the map of future is hid in your eyes

數一數許過的願吹熄多少蠟燭 How many candles were blown out for us to make wish
數一數流過的淚串起多少露珠 How many dewdrops are strung with the tears we have shed
從今後不再迷路 緊緊把手握住 No longer we lose our ways so let's hold our hands tight
這一刻你的溫度 被時間留住 At this moment your warmth is captured by the time

愛了 沒有問號 We love without question
不需要星座預告 We don't need those prediction
答案天使聽得到 Angels can hear our answer

回頭數一遍 走過的路 總共多少公里
Turn about to count How long the way is we walk together
你在我左邊 隔著幾米距離 
You are on my left few meters from me
猜你呼吸的頻率 聽你心跳的共鳴
Guess your breathing frequency Hear you resonance of pant
每個數字記在心裡 加減乘除變成了回憶 
Engrave all numbers in mind after caculation they're recalls
每一場淋過的雨 每一場看過的晨曦
All rain we've been exposed to,all sunlight we watch together
Let's collect them slowly with our hand inhand
How many steps are we from next day?
This moment we both know the score plainly

要漫步多少旅途 How many treks should we take
我們都心裡有數 Both we know the score plainly
比誰都清楚一定走到幸福 Know more than others We will reach happiness
離永遠還有幾步 How far we are from our goal
我們在心裡面倒數 We count down the steps in our minds
因為你 眼中藏著未來的地圖 Because the map of future is hid in your eye

    創作者 夏蘭荇德暴羽 的頭像

    夏暴羽的綺思狂想斷層 Stormyfeather

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