
我多high你都陪我瘋 You join me no matter how nuts
我耍冷你笑到頭痛 You laugh for my lame jokes wildly
我倔強難過不講但你懂 I hide my sadnss quietly but you se

一句話就幫我想通 As you talk you help me think out
一擁抱感動不言中As you hug me,I'm fully touched
一相信未知的潛力都洶湧 As we believe,our latent potential wake

你歡呼分享我奮力一搏的光榮 You acclaim to share my honor won from the battle
你拍手提醒我不停作夢 You clap to remind me to keep dreaming
別怕白日夢  No fear to day dreams

你將心比心是最佳聽眾 My best listener! You consider me
你給的建議總超級有用 The advice you give always helps a lot
在緊要關頭 要比戀人還更體諒我
In the nick of time, you know me even more than lover

你保守秘密是最佳聽眾 My best listener! You keep my secret
你講的實話能逼我振作 The truth told by you can make brace up
很少說謝謝 但我愛你就像你愛我
I seldom thank you,but I love you just as you love me

在半夜找你去打球 Call you to play ball in midnight
大雨裡騎車去兜風 Go for a ride in heavy rain
我失戀慘的是我的朋友 I'm crossed in love and my friends have trouble

太臭屁你會巴我頭 Too cocky you will punch my head
太壓抑你載我夜遊 Too inhibted you ask me out
太喪氣你毫不留情地吼我 Too downcast you show no mercy and yell at me

你將心比心是最佳聽眾 You consider me My best listener
你給的建議總超級有用 The advice you give always helps a lot
在緊要關頭 要比戀人還更體諒我
At the zero hour Know me even more than lovers do

你保守秘密是最佳聽眾 You keep my secret My best listener
你講的實話能逼我振作 The truth told by you can make brace up
很少說謝謝 但我愛你就像你愛我
Seldom say thank you But I love you just as you love me

    創作者 夏蘭荇德暴羽 的頭像

    夏暴羽的綺思狂想斷層 Stormyfeather

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