
終極一班 影視原聲

幹嘛低頭祈禱 我心情又沒不好
Why lower head to pray? I'm not under the weather
不要見我就跑 這樣很沒禮貌
Don't flee as you see me!This is so impolite

一踏進這地方 要清楚誰是老大
Once you step in the class Make sure you know who's in charge
罩子最好放亮 高校界聞風喪膽
 You'd better know your place We're well-known among high schools
沒有趴數等級 不要輕易的靠近
If not on the KO list Don't try to approach rashly
如果懶得呼吸 我也只好成全你
If you're declined to breath I have no choice but help you
雖然考試考不贏 但誰有難一定挺
Though we can't beat you in tests We can go through thick and thin
終極一班一條心 我們有情有義有型
We X-class is concurrent We have passion,faith and good looks

Everybody準備好 通通有不准跑
Everybody be all set!Attention!Don't decamp!
等我們弟兄到齊 絕對拍手叫好
When we all flock together Surely you will applaud!
Are you ready手舉高 Party time就是now
Are you ready?Hands up high!Party time begins now!
我們是終極一班 帥氣得不得了
We are the KO one class Can't be more imposing!

不要逼我爆筋 不要試探我功力
Don't ever provoke me.Don't try to pry my power
當我發功出拳 你會飛到火星去
When I hit hellishly You will be let flown to Mars
不要一概否定 我們的成績操性
Don't wholly negate us by grades and behavior
有壞蛋搞不定 終極一班衝第一
Any rascal to punish?The X-class will fix it!

    創作者 夏蘭荇德暴羽 的頭像

    夏暴羽的綺思狂想斷層 Stormyfeather

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