那一天文明一夕之間都歸零 On that day,civilization zeroed at once
黑雲永遠遮蔽從此沒有四季 Clouds hide the sun ever,no seasons from now on
巷口的公園變成了一片廢墟 The park on the acess adit became ruins
鞦韆堆滿灰燼沉重的盪不起 Too heavy to play on swing loaded with ashes

我牽著你一起尋找一線生機 I held your hand,tried to find feeble thread of life
你說你沒力氣不能再撐下去 You said you are too weak to support anymore
如果可以你說好想再看星星 if permitting you said you wanted watch stars again
我要你別放棄 天空卻下起黑雨 I told you don't give up,but it started falling black rain

那些過去來不及也回不去 你閉上眼睛
Those memories are too late to recall since you close your eye

最後一次擁抱你 心跳呼吸如此靠近
The last time to embrace you,our heartbeat and breath were so close
最後一次呼喚你 我的眼淚模糊焦距
The last time to call your name,rains and tears had blurred my eyesight
黑色的雨 禱告的聲音 十字架上的淚滴
Black heavy rain and voice of praying,tears remained on the cross
只剩我一個人面對這世界 最後的光景
Only left myself to face with the last scene of the ruinous world

祈禱的手在顫抖 經文被雨都溼透
The praying hands are shaking. The prayer is wet by rain
胸前的玫瑰珠鍊 碎了一地怎麼拼湊
How can I piece together the scrap of the rosary?
教堂的鐘聲沉重 告解 求最後寬容
The church knell is so heavy.I confess for last lenience
走在斷垣殘壁之中 只剩信仰唯一出口
Walking in tunbledown houses,only belief is my exit
等待 誰來挽救 I wait for the rescue

    創作者 夏蘭荇德暴羽 的頭像

    夏暴羽的綺思狂想斷層 Stormyfeather

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