嘴巴換了新的 耳朵換了新的
Replace mouth with new one. Replaceears with new one
預購的鼻子來了 頭髮換了新顏色
The nose I ordered has come. Change the color of the hair
撕掉入門手冊 自創新的守則
Tear up novice manual,create new rules myself
基因換了新染色 靈魂換了新軀殼
The genes have changed chromosome. The soul has changed new body
昨天的我已死去 今天的我剛落地
The past me has been perished. The present me is just born
刪除了舊的胎記 獲得了新的姓名
Obliterate old birthmark. Receive a brand-new full name
讓雙手放掉回憶 去抓住新鮮玩具
Let go your hold of recalls to grasp the fresh novel toys
煥然一新的身體 歸零的年紀
The bright,new-looking body,the zeroed age
一天寫一本傳記 每一天創一個世紀
Write a biography each day,create a new century each day
對世界充滿好奇 我就是 忘舊貪新
Be curious about the world. This is me,throw old love new
淚腺破了就更新 若觀念舊了就丟棄
If the tear gland break,change it. If the concept is old,update
一輩子一秒開機 今天起 誕生新的自己
All my life turn on at once. From now on,regenerate yourself
夜空換了新的 地球換了新的
The sky has been renewed. The Earth has been renewed
MP3灌了新歌 胃口愛上新菜色
MP3 has new si=ongs in. Appetite fancies new dishes
夢想那麼多個 充滿新的轉折
So many dreams I have. So many transitions
每一天都是新生 天天唱生日快樂
Every day is my rebirth. Celebrate birthday daily
昨天的我已死去 今天的我剛落地
The past me has been perished. The present me is just born
刪除了舊的胎記 獲得了新的姓名
Obliterate old birthmark. Receive a brand-new full name
讓雙手放掉回憶 去抓住新鮮玩具
Let go your hold of recalls to grasp the fresh novel toys
煥然一新的身體 歸零的年紀
The bright,new-looking body,age returned to "o"
一天寫一本傳記 每一天創一個世紀
Write a biography one day,create new century every day
對世界充滿好奇 我就是 忘舊貪新
Be curious about the world. This is me,throw old love new
淚腺破了就更新 若觀念舊了就丟棄
If the tear gland break,change it. If the concept is old,update
一輩子一秒開機 今天起 誕生新的自己
All my life turn on at once. From now on,regenerate yourself