
地上 斷了翅的蝶
Butterflies with broken wings
霧散之後的 滿月
The full moon dispelled the fog
原來愛 跟心碎都可以很 細節
Yet rain and heartbreak  were too detailed to reflect

聽夜風繞過 幾條街
The night breeze went round avenues
秋天瘦了滿地 的落葉
Autumn withered the leaves all over
於是又一整夜 感性的句子 都枯萎 凋謝
Therefore, throughout the night, sentimental words all faded and fell

*我不想再寫 隨手撕下這一頁(這一頁)
I ceased writing more and ad lib tore off this page
原來詩跟離別 可以沒有結尾(沒有結尾)
It dawned on me that rain and leave don't need ending
憔悴後悔等等 這些 於是我 把詩摺疊
Wanness and remorese haunted me, thus I folded my lyrics
郵寄出感覺 夾一束白玫瑰 妳將愛退回
I sent off feeling enclosed with white roses, yet you gave back love

我不落淚 忍住感覺
Don't I shed tears. I choke down grief
分手在起風 這個季節
We broke up in this windy season
哭久了會累 也只是別人的以為
It's just a myth that we would be tired of crying long
冷的咖啡 我清醒著 一再續杯
I keep refilling cup with cold coffee sanely

我落淚 情緒零碎
I shed tears. Feelings break down
妳的世界 一幕幕紛飛
The tableux of your world all flash back
門外的薔薇 帶刺傷人的很直接
The outdoor roses are thorny. They prick directly
過去被翻閱 結局滿天的 風雪
Our past is leafed through. The whirling snow sweeps the close

    創作者 夏蘭荇德暴羽 的頭像

    夏暴羽的綺思狂想斷層 Stormyfeather

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