Sexy Girl

作詞:陳信延、於耀智 (爆走兄弟)、郭定國 (爆走兄弟)
作曲:Chris Wiebe、於耀智 (爆走兄弟)、郭定國 (爆走兄弟)

you got my love, you are my sexy girl
you got my love, you are my sexy girl

用你眼神電我 Entice me with your wink
用你香味勾我 Lure me with your fragrance
我絕對躲不過 Perfectly I can't dodge
用你詭計惹我 Attracts me with your tricks
用你手段算我 Frame me with all your means
我就衝昏頭 And I lose my senses
Sexy Girl 答應我 Sexy Girl Promise me
不要心軟 請你繼續陷害我 to spare no effort to keep on snaring me
Sexy Girl 救救我  Sexy Girl Rescue me
沒有這種痛 我想我不能存活 Without this pain I don't think I can survive

挑戰我 打敗我   Challenge me Defeat me
求求你不要放過我 Please don't release me easily
靠近我 擁抱我   Approach me Enfold me
讓世界形成了漩渦 Let the world become an eddy
你的雙手有空     Your hands are at leisure
我的懷抱有空    My arms have vacancy
不要浪費這空洞 Don't let us waste the hollow
我們都 沒有錯   We both are innocent
耍點心機不算罪過 不錯  It's not guilty to play some tricks That's right
Sexy Girl 答應我 Sexy Girl Promise me
不要心軟 請你繼續陷害我 to spare no effort to keep on snaring me
Sexy Girl 救救我 Sexy Girl Rescue me
沒有這種痛 我想我不能存活 Without this pain I don't think I can survive

你是我的Sexy Baby   [You are my sexy baby]
你是我超想要的夢幻藝術品 You are the masterpiece that I'm eager to own
Yeah 你讓地球失去了引力  Yeah You made the earth lost its gravity
讓我的靈魂high到不行    Bring my soul to the utmost climax
迷戀你 藏著底牌帶著神秘 Crush on you Hold your ace in sleave with secret
始終留一手勾引我的好奇  Always hold back a trick to intrigue me
讓我繼續 為你著迷    Let me keep having crush on you
愛是惡習 但我愛這惡習 Love is a bad habit that I can't quit

用你眼淚整我 Chaff me with all your tears
用你玩笑哄我 Kid me with pleasantry
我絕對躲不過 Perfectly I can't dodge
用你甜蜜害我 Trap me with your sweetness
用你溫柔殺我 Murder me with softness
不要錯過     Don't miss the chance

Sexy Girl 答應我      Sexy Girl Promise me
不要放手 請你變成我心魔 Never let go please be my own nightmare
Sexy Girl 救救我  Sexy Girl Rescue me
只有你能夠 讓我直達天國 Only you can make me way straight to heaven

    創作者 夏蘭荇德暴羽 的頭像

    夏暴羽的綺思狂想斷層 Stormyfeather

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