Super hot太熱

Fahrenheit That's right

東:是誰撞爛了冰山 Who was that cracked the icerberg?
怎麼沒有人稱讚     Why no one gives laudation
誰害怕赤道太冷     Fear too cold on equator?
再拼命地加碳    Try best adding carbon!
綸:誰比誰先抽的煙 Who started smoking the first
以為動作很浪漫    Think the pose is romantic?
誰還要海枯石爛    Who still wants eternal vow?
比不上一場煙火燦爛 Not match for a glorious firework show

飛:心中的火山 身後的火山Volcano in mind Volcano behind
正加速撕爛 胸口白襯衫Quicken tearing off white shirt before chest
若腳步太慢 情緒會亂 If pace too fast moods will be messed up
青春必須瘋狂燃燒 才能用得完Youth is bound to be burn frenziedly to be used up

尊:你看那孤單太陽 要跟誰公轉 Look at the lonely sun having none to round
不甘情願落山 sinking with reluvtance
飛:快邀它來吃個最後晚餐 Let's invite him to the last supper
盡情狂歡 Fahrenheit   Revel freely! Fahrenheit

飛:Super hot 多謝每個人都在煽風點火
Super hot  Profusely thanks those who is faning the flames
Way too hot 也許能燒到最冷靜的銀河
Way too hot Maybe can burn down the calmest galaxy
Burning hot 如果這溫度還是讓人寂寞
Burning hot If this heat still make some peole feel lonesome
It’s too hot 乾脆讓我們一直赤裸裸 熱
It's too hat Then just let us be naked all the time
綸:Baby It's so hot

尊:誰正用回憶取暖 Who's warming with recalls
省下眼淚留給汗 Save the tears to remain sweat
誰嫌棄雪花冷淡 Who loathes the plain of snowflakes
欣賞塑膠花瓣 but admire plastic flowers?
儒:誰逼著冷氣加班 Who overwork  the cooler
讓夏天不用下班 Give summer no off-hours
快把天空都熱穿 Let the heat pierce through the sky
就能趕快到火星發展Then soon we can expand on the Mars

飛:心中的火山 身後的火山Volcano in mind Volcano behind
正加速撕爛 胸口白襯衫Quicken tearing off white shirt before chest
若腳步太慢 情緒會亂 If pace too fast moods will be messed up
青春必須瘋狂燃燒 才能用得完Youth is bound to be burn frenziedly to be used up

尊:你看那孤單太陽 要跟誰公轉 Look at the lonely sun having none to round
不甘情願落山 sinking with reluvtance
飛:快邀它來吃個最後晚餐 Let's invite him to the last supper
盡情狂歡 Fahrenheit   Revel freely! Fahrenheit

飛:Super hot 多謝每個人都在煽風點火
Super hot  Profusely thanks those who is faning the flames
Way too hot 也許能燒到最冷靜的銀河
Way too hot Maybe can burn down the calmest galaxy
Burning hot 如果這溫度還是讓人寂寞
Burning hot If this heat still make some peole feel lonesome
It’s too hot 乾脆讓我們一直赤裸裸 熱
It's too hat Then just let us be naked all the time
綸:Baby It's so hot

Way too hot
Burning hot
Fahrenheit That's right

    創作者 夏蘭荇德暴羽 的頭像

    夏暴羽的綺思狂想斷層 Stormyfeather

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