勢在必行(畢書盡Bii & 陳勢安)


I thought I had been too weary

無法再揮動 沒有目標的翅膀

To flutter my wings without a destination


I tried to overfly the line

溫度卻讓身體 再次感到很沮喪

However, the coldness made me dejected again


我微笑不是假裝 我追是因為渴望

When I smile,it isn't false. I persue because of thirst

我奮不顧身奔向 每一道陽光

I defy my danger to dash for the sunshine

我跌倒是種成長 我哭是一種釋放

When I fall, I get mature. I cry to release myself

我存在不是假象 我不管 我倔強

My existence isn't fake. I don't care. I hold on

為愛付出瘋狂 為夢受一點傷

For love I pay mania. For dreams I'm lightly hurt

為保護我的信仰 變的更堅強

For the sake of guarding faith, I've grown stronger yet

為執著橫衝直撞 為你說了點謊

For my obsession I rush. For you I tell some lies

別說我一直 找不到方向

Don't say that I keep lacking direction


再為愛付出瘋狂 為夢受一點傷

And for love I pay mania. For dreams I'm lightly hurt

為保護我的信仰 變的更堅強

For the sake of protecting faith, I've grown stronger

為執著橫衝直撞 為你說了點謊

For my obsession I rush. For you I tell some lies

為別人看我不屑目光 昂首飛翔

For how others hold me in contempt, I soar forward

    創作者 夏蘭荇德暴羽 的頭像

    夏暴羽的綺思狂想斷層 Stormyfeather

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