這街上太擁擠 Too crowded on the street

太多人有秘密 Everyone has secrets

There is mist on the glass just like whose past is hidden

妳臉上的情緒 Expression on your face

在還原那場雨 tries to restore the rain

The trail is too winding to trace back to the story

這日子不再綠 Days aren't green anymore

又斑駁了幾句 Words dapple in the air

I'm left in the mansion with all memories emptied

電影院的座椅 Between our theater seats

隔遙遠的距離 there was a long distance

Having no rival to match, you played chess with yourself

Time wasn't enough to clearly write everything about you

描述我如何愛妳 to describe how I loved you

妳卻微笑著離我而去 However you left me with a smile

這感覺 已經不對 我努力 在挽回
Sensation had gone wrong and I tried hard to retrieve

一些些 應該體貼的感覺 我沒給
I neglected some feelings I should have considerated

妳嘟嘴 許的願望很卑微 在妥協
You pouted your lips and gave in to the slight wish you'd made

是我忽略 妳不過要人陪
It's all my fault. You just want companion

這感覺 已經不對 我最後 才了解
Sensation had gone wrong . Hadn't I known till the end

一頁頁 不忍翻閱的情節 妳好累
You're tired of the plots I can't bear reading page by page

妳默背 為我掉過幾次淚 多憔悴
You recited how many times you'd cried for me quietly

而我心碎妳受罪 妳的美 我不配
My heart broke and you suffered. I don't match your beauty.

    創作者 夏蘭荇德暴羽 的頭像

    夏暴羽的綺思狂想斷層 Stormyfeather

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