作詞:五月天 阿信
編曲:林俊傑 五月天
特別演出Feat:五月天 阿信
黑暗裡誰還不睡 黑色的心情和斗篷假面
In the dark who stays awake? The black emotions, the mask and the cape
黑夜的黑不是最黑 而在於貪婪找不到底線
The darkest isn't the midnight, but the limitless human avarice
腳下是卑微的街 我孤獨站在城市天際線
Underfoot are the black streets. I stand alone at the city's skyline
別問我惡類或善類 我只是渴望飛的哺乳類
Don't ask if I'm good or evil. I'm just a mammal which desire to fly
善惡的分界 不是對立面
The polarity of good and evil
而是每個人 那最後純潔的防線 都逃不過考驗
exists in whether people's last stronghold of pureness can go through the ordeal
有沒有一種考驗 有沒有一次淬煉
Is there a kind of ordeal? Is there a kind of ordeal
拯救了世界就像 英雄 電影 情節
which saves the world just like the plots of hero movies?
有沒有一種信念 有沒有一句誓言
Is there a kind of firm faith? Is there a kind of vow which
呼喚黎明的出現 yeah yeah yeah yeah
cries for the coming of dawn?
為什麼抓光了賊 多年來更沒目擊過搶匪
Al the thieves are arrested . For years no one has witnessed robbery
而貧窮還是像潮水 淹沒了人們生存的尊嚴
But, like the waves, poverty still inundates people's living dignity
文明最顛峰某天 人們和蝙蝠卻住回洞穴
The civilization peaks, while people and bats retreat to the caves
那罪行再也看不見 都躲在法律和交易後面
Crime is no longer visible: the legal loopholes and trade harbor it
善惡的分界 不怕難分辨
It's not too hard to tell good from evil
只怕每個人 都關上雙耳和雙眼 都害怕去改變
The direst is that everyone turns a blind eye and a deaf ear to reform
有沒有一種改變 有沒有一次壯烈
Is there a kind of reform? Is there a kind of fervor
結局的完美就像 英雄 電影 情節
which rounds out the end like the plots of hero movies?
有沒有一種信念 有沒有一句誓言
Is there a kind of firm faith? Is there a kind of vow which
呼喚黎明的出現 yeah yeah yeah yeah
cries for the coming of dawn?
越來越毒的雨水 越來越多的災變
More and more poisonous rain. More and more catastrophe
越來越遠的從前 英雄 電影 情節
Further and further fade out plots of hero movies
律師和小丑勾結 民代和財團簽約
Lawyers collude with the clown. Senator sign with consortia
Good compromises with evil
越來越大的企業 越來越小的公園
More and more large enterprises. Less and less land for the park
越來越深的幻滅 英雄 電影 情節
Who pricked the bubble of the plots of hero movies?
面具下的人是誰 或者說不管是誰
Who is it under the mask? No matter who's in disguise
都無法全身而退 yeah yeah yeah yeah
It can't make good its retreat
當我們都走上街 當我們懷抱信念
When we all take to the streets, when we all embrace the faith
當我們親身扮演 英雄 電影 情節
When we firsthand enact the plots of hero movies
你就是一種信念 你就是一句誓言
You are exactly the faith. You are exactly the vow
世界正等你出現 yeah yeah yeah yeah
The world is awaiting you