赤地千里 Barren Land
詞:Len 曲:Len 編曲:Frost tears
Guest vocal:咒唱-Kayo Fan(Morals Abyss)

風蕭瑟 蒼天淚 路斷魂 絮雨紛

Chilling wind. Cries the sky. Route is harsh. It drizzled.

凝視眼 箭上弦 唯獨有那一瞬間

Concentrate. Only for that moment arrow's on string

風蕭瑟 蒼天淚 路斷魂 絮雨紛

Chilling wind. Cries the sky. Route is harsh. It drizzled.

星滅雲裂 惡火噬地 身陷桎梏

Cloud shrouds the stars. Fire burned the earth. I'm imprisoned.


一望無際 白茫大地 傾刻間悲泣

On the endless white land, I cried out without omen

漫天細雨 無語塵埃 全覆蓋恐懼

The ceaseless rain, the silent dust, all covered by fear

雨紛飛 落葉飄 異鄉願 如今縱使歸不去

It drizzled. The leaf falls. I'm homesick though I can never go back.

惆悵淚 滑落在衣肩 如今麻痺 已不見

The tears of sorrow fall on my shoulder and numb my eyesight.

轉眼間 蒼穹桑天風雲變色 捻於指尖

Suddenly the blue sky changes drastically to my horror

浩氣迴盪著耳際 無聲吶喊天邊

The uprightness haunts on me, silently it echos


現實壓迫的剝奪 無法喘息的枷鎖

Reality's stripping me. The chain's suffocating me

追尋真切的疑惑 縱使畏懼 唯有短暫的瞬間

Searching for the real question, even if there's fear, it will never last too long

油然而生的本我 超脫最真的感受

Here I form my real ego, the unleashed real feeling

喚醒正義的持有 能否克制顫抖

Waking innate uprightness, can we stop shivering?


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