音檔連結: https://soundcloud.com/frost-tears-official/rule-the-land


天下 Rule the Land
詞:Taku 曲:Len 編曲:Frost Tears

鋒芒之眼 虎狼之心 劊子之手 暴君之吼

The piercing eyes. Heart of the beast. Hands of Ripper. Growl of tyrant

尚武之治 拓疆闢土 惡名君王 一統天下

Worshipping force. Breaking new ground. The notorious emperor rule all the land



Recalling days long ago we gathered

風沙彌漫 我心若懸

The wind stirred up the sand. My heart was suspended

看不清 山在何方 河往哪去

I couldn't see where the mountains were, where the rivers converge

細數結繩 已數千載

Counting how long it'd been, thousands of years had passed


前秦後漢 曹王自封 三國分立 苦似鹿鼎

Han came after Qin. Cao cao made himself king. People suffered from the situation of the Three Kindom

烽煙滾滾 天愁地暗 儒皮法骨 君暗臣亂

The war fire burnt everwhere. The world is in chaos and darkness. With the skin of Confucianism but the spine of Legalism, the emperor was fatuous and the courtiers fish in trouble water


My dream brought me back to the Three Kindom's warfare

戰鼓四起 血流成河

Drummer everywhere. The earth was running with blood

望不見 風往何處? 而你在哪裡?

I couldn't see where the wind blew. And where you would be?

思念伊人 是否依舊

Missing my fair lady,would she still stay there as usual?



Conquer the whole world

    創作者 夏蘭荇德暴羽 的頭像

    夏暴羽的綺思狂想斷層 Stormyfeather

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