





風起 雲湧 一代梟雄 運籌帷幄 氣蓋赤壁

Rising winds, scudding clouds. Pendragon of the generation had the situation well in hand; his momemtum swept the Red Cliff

平沙無垠 夐不見人 河水縈帶 山糾紛 

There was no one to be seen on the endless sand. The river meandered among the ountains piled upon mountains.

古來戰場 非生即死 魂拋千里外

Since ancient times the life-and-death struggles are common on the battlefield. Soldiers had left life and death out of consideration already.


(吼)秋風 嘯

(Growl)Howled the autumn wind

風蕭瑟 波湧起 山河震 雷電崩

The wind howls. The waves surge. Great earthquake. Thunder drops.

風蕭瑟 波湧起 山河震 雷電崩

The wind howls. The waves surge. Great earthquake. Thunder drops.

古來戰場 非生即死 魂拋生死外

Since ancient times the life-and-death struggles are common on the battlefield. Soldiers had left life and death out of consideration already. 


(吼)凜冽 震眩 戰亂平起 聲析江河 勢崩雷電

Piercing cold. Shocklnly dazzled. Warfare uprose everywhere. Its sound rumbled on the river like thunder

老驥伏櫪 志在千里 烈士暮年 心不已

The old soldiers still crave for retrieving their glory despite aging. A noble-hearted man retains his high aspirations even in old age

古來戰場 非生即死 暴古塵沙中

Since ancient times the life-and-death struggles are common on the battlefield. The warriors lay their lives on the battlefield and bones decay in the sand


(吼)戰鼓 吼

(Growl)War drum  Roar

天地愁 草木悲 聲悲壯 屍遍野 

The world was overwhelmed by sorrow. The hailing was solemn but stirring. The corpses scattered on the battlefield.

天地愁 草木悲 聲悲壯

The world was overwhelmed by sorrow. The hailing was solemn but stirring.


滾滾長江東逝水 浪花淘盡英雄

The surging Yangtze runs ever east, washing up heroes as it goes.

成與敗 轉頭空 青山依舊在 幾度啊 夕陽紅

Right and wrong, failure and fortune change position in the blink of an eye. The green mountain stand as ever before, witness to countless sunsets


(且)曹孟德奸雄狂妄 孤掌難鳴 豈容他四海橫行

Cao Mengde(Cao Cao) the arch-careerist is presumptuous, but it's difficult to achieve anything without support. We shall not let his rampage endenger the world.

(生)投長鞭斷江流 檣摧楫傾 從此後漢祚重光三分鼎

If my army fling their whip, the Yangtze would be blocked. The warship was seriously damaged. Henceforth the throne of the past Han shone and the glorious Three Kindom started.

(旦)看今日風雲際會赤壁鏖兵 大江東去浪千重

Look how many militaries fight fiercely today! East flows the mighty river as the waves surge

(生/旦)多少英雄浪濤盡 惟有我千古留名

Sweeping away the heroes of times past, only I can leave my mark in history


滾滾長江東逝水 浪花淘盡英雄

The surging Yangtze runs ever east, washing up heroes as it goes.

成與敗 轉頭空 青山依舊在

Right and wrong, failure and fortune change position in the blink of an eye. The green mountain stand as ever before

古今秋月春風 一壺酒喜相逢 仰天長嘯

Time passes by and brings away those good old days. With a jug of wine we drink to our hearts, emitting long wheez into the air


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