
重生 - 洪武篇

風揚起 湖面起浪濤 

The wind surged high waves on the lake.

身在先秦 若這是天意 

If it was destiny to live in Qin

亂世中 今不比那兒去 

No one can be exempt from the chaos dynasty

這暴政 如往昔 

Tyranny tortured people as usual

人民苦與難 至今未平息 

The pain and sorrow of people was yet to be calmed

烽煙四起 擊鼓鳴金 赴戰場 

Rise the beacon. Blow the horn. Time for war

縱橫天下 成王敗寇 一場廝殺 

Conquer the world. Winners write the story after the fight.

此一朝定死生 無論刀下孤魂 

Destine our fate this moment despite how many lives had sacrificed

一世戎馬倥傯 願能千秋傳佳話 

All our lives we stir up warfare everywhere just to leave our own mark on the history.

千帆齊備 萬箭遮天 震八方 

Thousands of canvas and arrows shrouded the sky. 

縱橫天下 刀光劍影 誰與爭霸 

Conquered the world. Who is my rival in this age of warriors ?

此一朝定死生 無論刀下孤魂 

Destine our fate this moment despite how many lives had sacrificed

一世戎馬倥傯 願能千秋傳佳話 

All our lives we stir up warfare everywhere just to leave our own mark on the history.

殺盡江南百萬兵 腰間寶劍血猶腥 

Massacre all the Jiangnang soldiers. The warmth of blood lingered on the sword on my waist

老僧不識英雄漢 何須嘵嘵問姓名 【註一】

The monk doesn't even know who I am. Then why bother asking me my name.

屍橫遍野 背水一戰 苦對峙 

The ground littered with corpses. Fighting without a way to retreat was a hard-fought struggle

旌旗蔽日 雲蓋天 吶喊天涯

The flags and clouds covered the sky. The shout of soldiers echoed.

此一朝定死生 無論刀下孤魂 

Destine our fate this moment despite how many lives had sacrificed

一世戎馬倥傯 願能千秋傳佳話 

All our lives we stir up warfare everywhere just to leave our own mark on the history.

血染湖泊赤大地 恍若是過眼浮雲 

The blood soaked the ground red. It was so unreal like a dream.

風雲叱吒順天意 豈能畏懼存猶豫 

Following the destiny to scorn all the others, how could I still hesitate in fear?

一戰而千古留名 萬世流芳知天命 

Leaving my mark in history with a war, my name would be praised as my destiny

此生非躊躇不定 一路堅定走下去 

So no more stumbling at anything in my life. I would keep on going firmly.

【註一】 出自明太祖朱元璋《題寺壁詩》


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