川澤 河海 山林 五嶽 社稷 掌建邦之神鬼地祇之禮

To all the rivers, brooks and oceans. To all the forests,the great mountains in our country.

We proceeded the ceremony worshipping Mother Earth, who take the hold of our destiny.

天子登泰山之高以報天 炎黃附粱甫之基以報地

The emperor built a high altar on Taishan to thank the god of sky

The ancestor of Han built an altar on the foothills of Taishan to thank the god of earth

春夏秋冬 萬世輪迴 乾坤莫測 行 后土地祇之祭

Spring, summer, autumn and winter repreat forever. But no one can prospect the disaster.

That was why people worshipped Mother Earth

春夏秋冬 萬世輪迴 乾坤莫測 封禪. 

Spring, summer, autumn and winter repreat forever. But no one can prospect the disaster.

People worshipped Mother Earth for safety and bumper


川澤 河海 山林 五嶽 社稷

To all the rivers, brooks and oceans. To all the forests,the great mountains in our country.


Our ancestors worshipped the sky and Mother Earth on the altars on the Taishan and foothills

皇天奄有四海為天下君 后土負載江海山林屋宇

What made the emperor was his destiny 

The Mother Earth takes hold of the ups and downs of the nature

五行八方 昊天上帝 后土陰地 五方相乘 五氣凝結

The five elements composed the nature we live in.

The Heaven Emperor and Mother Earth guard our land.

五行八方 昊天上帝 后土陰地 孕生萬靈 保我江山

The five elements composed the nature we live in.

The Heaven Emperor and Mother Earth nuture life on our land and secure us.

永世和平 佑我人民 豐衣足食

Wish for everlasting peace. Wish for safety and bumper for our people

願我族裔 生生不息 千古傳頌

Hope for my ethnic can pass down endlessly. We would leave our mark on history.

乞求天地 四海昇平 廣闊社稷 安和樂利

Wish for the universal peace and prosperity come to us. The whole country could live without famine.

昊昊天地 萬物不息

In the bid world, lives prosper boomingly

    創作者 夏蘭荇德暴羽 的頭像

    夏暴羽的綺思狂想斷層 Stormyfeather

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