重生 (陽明) 詞:Taku , 曲:Taku/Len 編曲:Frost Tears

形而上 因果致輪迴 修身以道 心即是天理
Metaphysically karma caused samsara. We should practice our mind by the rules of Heaven so that we can live by it
守中庸 平(宜)七情六慾 脫世道 得重生 喜怒哀懼愛惡欲 知情意
Keep in the style of equilibrium. Calm all our emotions in exchange of deliverance and rebirth.
Joy, anger, sadness, fear, love, hate and desire. 

辭章訓詁八股 朝無能人志士
Spending all their time studying on the forms of poems, articles or cliche. 
Their was no bureau can really handle tasks

陽明躬行實踐 盛學 格物致知
Yangming devoted himself on practical theories, rising schools and inhibiting selfish desire to know the truth

一生波濤洶湧 抑鬱仕宦之途 一世兵馬倥傯 擒寧王 平江西
He lived a dramatic life with obstructions on career. He devoted himself to military. He caught Nin Wang to put down the rebellion

擅離職 教異端 判除世襲官銜
Yet the emperor deprived him of his status with "quit without upper permission" and "teaching the heretics"
辭世甲子復榮銜 孔廟入祀
Till 60 years after his death his status was reinstated and was worshiped in the Confucius Temple 
一生波濤洶湧 抑鬱仕宦之途 一世兵馬倥傯 擒寧王 平江西
He lived a dramatic life with obstructions on career. He devoted himself to military. He caught Nin Wang to put down the rebellion
學統道統政統 纏繞千絲萬縷 政治當權者謀 毀仕途 下詔獄
At that time, the system of price twine with education, religion and policy.
The mighty courtiers conspired to destroy his career and put him into prison.

得失榮辱超脫 看盡世間俗事
Thus he was beyond the emperor's appreciation or lost and found. Far detached from the dusty world.

人生即是知行 超生死換骨存
Life is a process that we practice what we learn. We see through life and death in exchange for a mark on history
困境中 無依恃 容忍當下苦難 聖賢道 致良知 終得千古傳頌
Having nothing to rely on in dilemma, we try to bear the pain what we face.
Insisting on practicing and promoting the theories of the wise-man, eventually he is praised now and forever


What I learned can't bring me success while I'm aging. What else does Heaven still want to take from me?
I've promised to save my country but now less and less I an do.
Till my death I still concern for my family, regretting that I can't do anymore for them.
I believe that my lonely loyalty is highly visible. So I don't even care if I rest my bones in the river fish.
It's so sorrowful to be the only faithful courtier.
The sound of the tides mourned for those courtiers who was hunted down by the tracherus 

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