
我知道 愛曾經被妳和我 鬧得像發了燒
I know we had been head over in love like having a fever
No wonder vows became nothing before expire
這樣也好 一路太精彩 結局不該遜掉
It's not too bad This wonderful journey can't match bad ending
雖然我們 都因此睡不著
Although we both lose sleep for this reason

我知道 妳不敢看我臉上 那個勉強的笑
I know you dare not to see the unconvincing smile on my face
Because you can penetrate my thick politeness
咖啡的味道 不需要品嚐我就能夠明瞭
Don't even need to sip the coffee I've already known its taste
沒有加糖 一整個苦到腳
Without sugaring it is too bitter

後來我有沒有 出現過妳夢裡?
Have I ever shown up in your dreams afterwards?
我們是彼此回憶的 幾分之幾?
How many parts do we take each other's recall?
如果說很想妳 代表說遺憾佔據太多比例
If saying "yearn for you"symbolize that regret holds too much ratio
我應該常提醒自己 寂寞很輕
I should always remind myself loneness is light

OS:喂 是我 今天還好嗎
Hey,it's me,how are you today?
聽說妳換了新的號碼 其實我早就知道了
I heared that you've changed a new cellphone number.
所以才一直留言在這裡 沒事了 早點睡吧
In fact I've known it already,so I keep leaving message here. Nothing else.Sleep earlier.

我知道 妳也會向朋友們 探聽我的消息
I know you will also fish for my informations form your friends
Like I always want to know whom your are dating.
留點距離 默默的關心卻那麼像逃避
Keep in distance,but the silent concern is like escape too much.
面對過去 我們沒有勇氣
We don't have the courage to face our past.

    創作者 夏蘭荇德暴羽 的頭像

    夏暴羽的綺思狂想斷層 Stormyfeather

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