編曲:Martin tang
如果你被她傷的很痛 請感謝她好心折磨
If you are severely hurt by her,please thank her sincere torture
如果你對她感到愧疚 請感謝她慷慨淚流
If you feel consience-stricken to her,please thank her for unselfish tears
在我們相遇相愛之前 多虧有她讓你成熟
Just before we encounter and love,let's thank the ones who make us mature
如果你現在孤獨寂寞 請感謝這美麗等候
If you feel solitary right now,please thank this beautiful long wait
如果你還在為愛犯錯 請感謝還沒找到我
If you're still making mistakes for love,please thank that you haven't found me
要走完每個曲折路口 我們才懂愛是什麼
Don't we realize what love is until we have passed all zigzag crossings
Wu~Wu~Wu~My Love Wu~Wu~Wu~My Love
如果慶幸我值得擁有 請感謝我被放棄過
If you think I'm worth being treasured,please thank that I'd been abandoned
如果欣賞我堅強溫柔 請感謝那珍貴傷口
Uf you admire my strong tenderness,please thank those precious injuries
在我們相遇相愛之後 遺憾都會變成收穫
After we have encountered and loved,all regret would turn into harvest
Wu~Wu~Wu~My Love Wu~Wu~Wu~My Love
當我們終於緊緊相擁 所有苦難會甜美結果
When we finally cuddle tightly,all sufferings come to a good ending
我們就耐心漂流 愛會來的 在對的時候
Then let's drift with our patience. Love surely will come when it's high time
Wu~Wu~Wu~My Love Wu~Wu~Wu~My Love
Wu~Wu~Wu~My Love Wu~Wu~Wu~My Love