Now You See Me
我的幻術是超能力 我天生神力
Illusion is my talent. I'm born with power
你的魔術要靠道具 還真不給力
Your magic relies on the props. Oh Gosh it's so weak.
你話術耍耍嘴皮 聲東擊西 分散注意
You tried to distract me with your rhetoric. A piece of cake.
我根本不理 省點力氣 你還真有耐性
I don't give a shit. So save your breath. Wow you are so patient.
啊 玩ㄧ玩紙牌 消失了錢幣
Ah, play with the poker. The vanished coins.
White pigeon appeared out of thin air are all childish tricks
Guess you must have used something like camouflage
If you don't believe me, just check where have the viewers who stood beside you gone
出神入化 浪跡天涯 認真起來我連我自己都害怕
So fantastic over the world. Even I would be afriad if I go all out.
Now u see me cuz I let it be
Wanna find the key you gotta follow my beat
Now u see me cuz I let it be
My illusion exists but there's no ecidence
Now u see me cuz I let it be
Wanna find the key you gotta follow my beat
Now you see me cuz I let it be
My illusion fascinates you
One two three four, one two three four
倒數計時 睜開眼 置身在不同的城市
Four Three Two One. Ta-da! You woke up in another city.
One more two more, one more two more
你看不見我 看不見我 看不見我 看不見我
you cannot see me, you can't see me, you can't see me, you can't see me
看不見我 (難度就像烏龜翻跟斗)
you can't see me. It's hard as somersault of turtle
看不見我 (你就是扶不起的阿斗)
you can't see me. You are the king who I can't support
看不見我 (不然你早已跟我握手)
you can't see me. Or else you'd already shake my hand
看不見我 (萬一看見的人是隻小狗)
you can't see me. Make sure what you see is man or a dog.
出神入化 霧裡看花 跟我拼命你會輸掉所有籌碼
So fantastic. Can't see clearly. You'll lose everything if you dare to defy me
出神入化 浪跡天涯 認真起來我連我自己都害怕
So fantastic over the world. Even I would be afraid if I go all out.
Now u see me cuz I let it be
Wanna find the key u gotta follow my beat
Now u see me cuz I let it be
My illusion exists but there's no evidence
Now u see me cuz I let it be
Wanna find the key u gotta follow my beat
Now u see me cuz I let it be
My illusion fascinates you, see through you