我喜歡中間的高音 <3 有點像Xandria第二任主唱的A thousand letter專輯那種感覺(雖然現在他們又換主唱Orz
歡喧(Joyous shot) 詞:Taku 曲:Len
孟秋迎來酷暑 It’s scorching Meng Chou*
油桐飄落繽紛 Flowers drift from the Tung oil tree
花簇展開紛爭 A variety of flowers blossom
歡喧舉樽高歌 Joyfully we hold the goblets sing and shot
晨曦展開夏耕 At dawn we start summer ploughing
焚風吹來苦悶 Foehn wind brings the distress
晚霞餘暉時分 While the sunset glow
歡喧舉樽高歌 Joyfully we hold the goblets sing and shot
百花爭豔繽紛 A variety of flowers blossom
蟲鳴響徹三更 The insects chirp loudly throughout the night
備註: 孟秋*是指農曆七月,台灣在中國的南方,台灣的氣候,這個時節還是夏天。
Meng Chou means July in lunar calendar. Located in south of China, the weather in Taiwan is still scorching hot summer at this time.