不死之謎(BLEACH 死神的主題曲)
編曲:Tim Ngon for the invisible men
Come On 哼 一光年 十個光年
Come on Huh One light year One light decade
當我光速飛行時候 時代被我跨越
When I fly in the speed of light,I transcend the era
守在一望無際的夜 星空的邊界
Guard on the border of the unlimited starry sky
我是那隻 不死的天蠍
I'm rightly the immortal scorpion
像一束光線 懸掛在天邊
Like a beam of light suspend on the sky
我的一身火焰 劃破你的視野
The flames all over me break into your prosepect
別人的生命有限 我偏偏活出無限
Others have limited life,but I can live nedlessly
你的一生 只是我 一瞬間
Your whole life is just a second of mine
冥王星轉了一圈 滄海變桑田
Pluto rates a circle,seas change into lands
唯有我不休不眠 軌跡不改變
Only I don't take a rest,keep up my orbit
如果你看得夠遠 望遠鏡另一邊
If you see broadly enough the other side of telescope
就會看見鑽石陳列 璀璨的畫面
You'll see the frame that myriad of stars twinkling
請 跟著我閉上眼 想像你心裡面 求生的強烈意念
Act upon me close your eyes Imagine the desire for survival in your mind
都聚成一點 連成一線 圍成光圈
All cluster as one,insuccesion become light ring
總有一天 一定會實現
It'll be achieved one day in future
Just like stars will never be quenched
Surpass bound of life and death
把光芒都傾瀉 向全世界撒野
Pour down all the radiance Act wildly to the world
I write my own ending
The so-called eternity shows
我創造我自己 這不死之謎
I created myself the undying mystery
我主宰我自己 這不死之謎
I dominate myself the undying mystery
我締造一個奇蹟 這不死之謎
I construct a miracle the undying mystery
I'm the Death and also the God
就算我燃燒我自己 這不死之謎
Even if I kindle myself the undying mystery
也可以照亮我自己 這不死之謎
I also throw light on myself the undying mystery
我有無窮火力 這不死之謎
I own endless power the undying mystery
Enough for me to live permanently
哼 星不移 意志不移
Huh Star's unmoved,so is my will
當我大聲呼喊時候 聲音穿越世紀
At the time I call out loudly,my sound thread the centuries
藏在這顆發亮星體 是永恆勇氣
Hides in the shining planet is perpetual courage
銀河流去 古老的記憶
Milky way strams ancient memories
像一場宿命 覆蓋了天際
Just like destiny cover the heaven
誰都無法解密 這場不死之謎
No one can interpret this undying mystery
別人的呼吸短暫 我偏偏生生不息
Others have short respiration,but I beathe continuously
輪迴下去 一口氣 不會停
Keep rotating,at a stretch,never stop
太陽系當我背景 襯托我身影
Against the solar system to set off my profile
把天空當作白紙 寫我的傳奇
Reguard the sky as paper to write my legend
如果你看得仔細 放大虛弱的焦距
If you see clearly enough,enlarge your small focal length
就會看見日光遮蔽 固執的晨星
Then you'll see the sunshine shade the stubborn morning star
請 跟著我閉上眼 想像你心裡面 求生的強烈意念
Act upon me close your eyes Imagine the desire for survival in your mind
都聚成一點 連成一線 圍成光圈
All cluster as one,insuccesion become light ring
總有一天 一定會實現
It'll be achieved one day in future
Just like stars will never be quenched
Surpass bound of life and death
把光芒都傾瀉 向全世界撒野
Pour down all the radiance Act wildly to the world
I write my own ending
The so-called eternity shows
我創造我自己 這不死之謎
I created myself the undying mystery
我主宰我自己 這不死之謎
I dominate myself the undying mystery
我締造一個奇蹟 這不死之謎
I construct a miracle the undying mystery
I'm the Death and also the God
就算我燃燒我自己 這不死之謎
Even if I kindle myself the undying mystery
也可以照亮我自己 這不死之謎
I also throw light on myself the undying mystery
我有無窮火力 這不死之謎
I own endless power the undying mystery
Enough for me to live permanently
Enough for me to live permanently
Enough for me to live permanently
其實謎底不須要揭曉 In fact we needn't to know the truth
生命本來就須要 不停思考
Actually we should always think all our life
就因為有了問號 才能享受到 懸疑中的美妙
Just because there're questions,we can appreciate the joy hides behing enigmas
請 跟著我閉上眼 想像你心裡面 求生的強烈意念
Act upon me close your eyes Imagine the desire for survival in your mind
都聚成一點 連成一線 圍成光圈
All cluster as one,insuccesion become light ring
總有一天 一定會實現
It'll be achieved one day in future
Just like stars will never be quenched
Surpass bound of life and death
把光芒都傾瀉 向全世界撒野
Pour down all the radiance Act wildly to the world
I write my own ending
The so-called eternity shows
我創造我自己 這不死之謎
I created myself the undying mystery
我主宰我自己 這不死之謎
I dominate myself the undying mystery
我締造一個奇蹟 這不死之謎
I construct a miracle the undying mystery
I'm the Death and also the God
就算我燃燒我自己 這不死之謎
Even if I kindle myself the undying mystery
也可以照亮我自己 這不死之謎
I also throw light on myself the undying mystery
我有無窮火力 這不死之謎
I own endless power the undying mystery
Enough for me to live permanently
Enough for me to live permanently
Enough for me to live permanently