
感受不易形容 就算會有一點唐突也要說
Hard to express this feel Even it's kind of brusque I want to say
請搬進我心窩 如果你不幸福再離家出走
Please move into my heart Run away if you feel uncomfortable
我心窩做你的新窩 也許坪數不太夠
Let my heart be your new dwelling Maybe it's kind of narrow
甚至會擁擠到 只裝得下你我
Even it's just enough for we two to live in

請快準備行李 丟掉用不到的傷心舊回憶
Plase prepare your luggage Throw away those unneeded sad memories
腦海中 相本日記 從此更新 只有彼此專屬甜蜜
The album inside our minds henceforth update with our exclusive merriness

抱枕就丟掉 有肩膀就夠
Throw away pillows Replace with shoulders
最後用關心問候 捆綁我們的手完工
At last tie our hands with care and greeting to complete new home

只要在你身邊 我就省掉思念
As long as I'm near you I can omit yearning
時間只用來眷戀 Spend all our time on romance
我要在你身邊 盡情浪費喜悅
I want to be near you Waste my glee to content
也許一待就永遠 Maybe I'll stay forever

管它金窩銀窩 怎樣都比不過彼此的心窩
No matter wherever,nowhere can match for each other's house at heart
打包一箱溫柔 今後多多指教就相互寬容
Pack up box of sweatness,from now on correct and forgive each other
你心窩做我的新窩 暖氣不需要使用
Let your heart be my new dwelling Don't need central heating
我已經溫暖到 融化所有冷漠
I've been so warm that I melt down all aloofness

請快準備行李 丟掉用不到的傷心舊回憶
Plase prepare your luggage Throw away those unneeded sad memories
腦海中 相本日記 從此更新 只有彼此專屬甜蜜
The album inside our minds henceforth update with our exclusive merriness

抱枕就丟掉 有肩膀就夠
Throw away pillows Replace with shoulders
最後用關心問候 捆綁我們的手完工
At last tie our hands with care and greeting to complete new home

只要在你身邊 我就省掉思念
As long as I'm near you I can omit yearning
時間只用來眷戀 Spend all our time on romance
我要在你身邊 盡情浪費喜悅
I want to be near you Waste my glee to content
也許一待就永遠 Maybe I'll stay forever


    創作者 夏蘭荇德暴羽 的頭像

    夏暴羽的綺思狂想斷層 Stormyfeather

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