這不是我 That's not me
曲:鄭楠 詞:陳信延

一整天 那麼累了 我還跑了 九十分鐘

All day long I've been so tired. I still run for ninety minutes

這劇情 那麼沉重 我卻看到 差一點笑了

This play has so heavy plots, but as I watch, I nearly laught out

家就在 下個路口 我怎麼了 還會走錯  

It's just a block to my house. How come I still lose my way home

聖誕節 過了多久 我還在過 情人節快樂

Christmas has passed so long. I celebrate Valentine's Day still

照理來說那時候 沒有誰我都能一個人生活

Theoretically at that time, I could have live my life without anyone

為甚麼在妳走後 我卻變得 不像我

Why after you left I've turned into someone that's not me

只不過聽到歌 眼就要紅 這不是我 一定不是我

As soon as I hear the song, tears well up. That is not me, definitely not

一想到妳 心就要痛 這不是我 我沒那麼弱

As soon as I miss you, it hurts. That is not me. I am not that weak

愛過應該變得成熟 和平的分手應該是種收穫

Through love we should have grown mature. Peacefully part as friends should be a good choice

緊握回憶要做甚麼 這樣不能失去誰的人

Why do I cling to memories? The one that can't bear losing anyone

不是我 喔 不是我

Is not me, oh , it's not me

天空海闊的盡頭 如果我終於能走過那斜坡

At the end of boundless view, if I really walk out of that dillema

像朋友那樣吻我 就算我已 不是我

Kiss me as if we are friends, I'm no longer myself, though

只不過聽到歌 眼就要紅 這不是我 一定不是我

As soon as I hear the song, tears well up. That is not me, definitely not

一想到妳 心就要痛 這不是我 我沒那麼弱

As soon as I miss you, it hurts. That is not me. I am not that weak

愛過應該變得成熟 和平的分手應該是種收穫

Through love we should have grown mature. Peacefully part as friends should be a good choice

緊握回憶要做甚麼 這樣不能失去誰的人

Why do I cling to memories? The one that can't bear losing anyone

不是我 喔 不是我

Is not me, oh , it's not me

只不過睡不著 淚就失控 這不是我 一定不是我

When I have Insomnia, tears lose control. That is not me, definitely not

一想到妳 人就要瘋 這不是我 我沒那麼弱

When I miss you, I turn insane. That is not me. I am not that weak

原本我要豁達寬容 學到的智慧結果都沒有用

I should be tolerant and clear, but the wisdom I've learned all turn into waste

賠上自由也不掙脫 這樣不懂愛自己的人

With all my freedom I won't dodge. The person that doesn't love himself / herself

不是我 喔

Is not me oh

妳最深愛的人 已不是我

Your sweetest lover is no loner me

妳不捨得的人 已不是我

The last one you'd leave is no longer me

妳最深愛的人 已不是我

Your sweetest lover is no loner me

妳不捨得的人 已不是我

The last one you'd leave is no longer me


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