紅妝 詞/曲 Len 編曲:Frost Tears 

葉 飄零著 朦朧影中裡盤旋 

The leaves witherd, in the shadows it hovered

瀰漫著芬芳 輕盈曼妙的倩影 

emitting fragrance, such lissom her figure

花斜倚著 空思遠處的歸人 

The flower leaned, missing the distant lover

金雀 孤窗 雨過殘燭 幾多愁

The canary watched the rain pour on the light by the sash, how lonesome


Moonlight glows on the water

繁華布幔 捲起一頁

Turn a new leaf of gaudiness

嫣然一笑 慾望紅塵 蹶然一身 

Smiling seductively all alone in the Red



Dead vine, Old trees, remains

封印 難以窺探

It's hard to see the seal

絢爛的火光 一閃又即逝

The spark light is like a flash in the pan


Mistily the night tempted us


I dressed in full fig

染胭脂煙花月 笑如幻夢一場 

The Rouge dyed the moon red. It's all like a fond dream

午夜夢徊綺戀 戴上偽妝面

Such romance in my dreams. Hide myself with a mask

嬌嬈身影猶存 回眸瞬間百媚生

The fair figure lingers. So tempting as her gazes back

(絕代風華一身 一一浮現入眼簾)

Her peerless beauty lasts. One by one flash through my eye.


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