
詞:Taku & Len 曲:Len

編曲:Frost Tears

Guitar Tenor:石高額 老師


就剎那一生 為千古流芳

Life is so fleeting, while fame's immortal

不畏懼那灼熱焰火 衝向灰燼

Rush to the ash without fearing the  raging flames

花落繁盡 夜沉 晨曦東未昇

Flowers wither. Night fall. The sun hasn't risen

猶見斑駁影身 踟躕未知前程

Seeing the shadow dapple, I  hesitate on future


A splendid sea lie before me

迎著戧風 佇候在

Facing the wind I stand by

一望無垠寧靜懸崖 心驚膽顫

the boundless serene sharp cliff

浩瀚宇宙 微透光 衝破藩籬 直到 氣斷腸

The vast cosmos has dim light. Break through the boundaries till we die

All along emotion until the ending
All along you see it to be confident
All along to confront until the ending
All along you see it always you can follow

月光皎潔 映照湖水面 思念無限惹塵埃

The  bright  moonlight cast upon the lake.  The ceaseless yearning  drills me

疲憊蹣跚  今何在

Is what I persuit still there?


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