賭場提供的博弈項目豐富多元,像是角子老虎機、輪盤賭、21點、德州撲克、擲骰以及百家樂等,這麼多種類型的博弈絕對是一天一夜都玩不完呢!建議新手可以先從簡單的角子老虎機開始練習,再到難度較高的桌上遊戲吧。首先,先介紹賭場大廳數量最多,難度也不高的角子老虎機;玩法規則就是有3個轉輪,投入籌碼後開始轉動,停止轉動後的中獎線圖標,都符合連線的圖案和對應賠率勝出即獲得中獎金額。建議新手可以選擇樣式簡單的老虎機,高額賭注或是累積式獎金的老虎機通常勝率不高,簡單的機器只有中獎額與下注是成正比,不會因為只投一次硬幣就降低贏錢賠率。另外適合賭場新手的牌桌遊戲是「Casino War」,規則十分簡單,是快節奏和直接決定牌面點數的贏局遊戲。莊家會每給玩家發一張牌比大小,只憑莊家與玩家的撲克點數分勝負,玩家點數大於莊家,則可獲得相等下注金額的賠彩;若是平手可以選擇Go to War再下一注比第二張,當然也是可以選擇Surrender,玩家只能取為下注金額的一半,若進入賭場戰爭是需要額外加碼,並各自消去3張牌,若玩家贏得大小,便可取得原注與額外加碼的兩份賠彩!建議新手可以跟著莊家玩家規則,不強求貪快,先從低投注額開始玩起,賠率稍低但是至少不會虧損太多。
Guidelines for the Novice in Casino
Gambling is a flourishing industry. Appropriate gambling can make people relax and have fun on making some profit.
Thus, lots of popular sightseeing spots legalize the casino.
From the fabulous Las Vegas, the historical Manor Casino in Europe or the grand Macao Casino in Asia, they aim to let the tourists to experience the precious sceneries or heritages at local, and have fun on gambling at night.
For those who have their first visit in the casino, first, before entering, you need the ID card to prove that you are over 20 years old.
The casinos all over the world will ask you to exchange to the gambling chips with local currency.
For example, the currency in vogue in Macao Casino is Hong Kong dollar or US dollar, which you can exchange at the counter.
Many gambling table or slot machine have the signboard showing the minimum bet.
The gamblers can follow these instructions to insert their chips.
If you don’t really know how to play, you can ask the croupier or take the gambling guidelines of the casino.
Introduction about Game Types and Tips to Play
The gambling entertainment items in the casino are multiple, such as slot machine, the roulette, Blackjack, Texas Hold’em, Dice games and Baccarat. With so many types of games, you can’t play all of them in a day! We would suggest the novice to begin with the simple slot machine, then try the table games later. First, we start introducing from the simplest slot machine, which has the most machines in the casino hall. The rule is that there are three wheels which would start rolling after inserting the chips. If all the pictures are the same when the wheel stops, you can get the bonus according to the odds. We suggest the novice to try the slot machine with simple games; those ones with high bid or accelerating premium usually doesn’t have much chance for you to win. The rule of the simple machines us that the bonus is directly proportional to your bid. It won’t lower the odds of winning because you insert the chip just once. Another table game suitable for the novice in the casino is “Casino War”, which has very simple rules. It is a fast game which directly judges who would win by the card points. The banker will deal a card to each player to play. If the player’s card point is bigger than the banker’s, he can get the bonus according to the odds and his bet. If it breaks even, the player can choose “Go to War” and add another card to bet once more; of course he can choose “Surrender” to get half of his bet back. “Go to War” requires additional bet and taking out three cards of each player. If the player wins, he can get his bet back along with additional bonus! We suggest the novice to follow the rules and take it easy. Starting with low bet might have lower odds, but at least it won’t make you lose too much.