
How should I let a smile play on lips? 
How should I twine my arms around you?
我不停試探 一直創造
I keep probing minds and fine-tuning
The most matching heartbeat for you
但世界太大 幸福有時候 藏匿得太好
But this world is so vast that we can't find where happiness hides

我不怕知道 眼淚的味道
I don't fear to know the taste of teardrops
只怕這完美的眼神 再來不及享受打擾
But dread that I don't have enough time to gaze at you perfectly 
我不怕知道 心碎的味道
I don't fear to know the taste of heartbreak
就算未來不來也好 至少讓我享受一秒 現在的心跳
Even if there is no future,for a moment please let me enjoy the heartbeat just now

How should I tell you what's on my mind?
I hadn't even expected these
這世界太吵 如何聽到彼此最真實的心跳
How can we hear each other's truest heartbeat in this bustling world? 
我們能不能 再不要計較 結局的飄渺
Can we stop fussing about our ending's ambiguities?

我不怕知道 眼淚的味道
I don't fear to know the taste of teardrops
只怕這完美的眼神 再來不及享受打擾
But dread that I don't have enough time to gaze at you perfectly
我不怕知道 心碎的味道
I don't fear to know the taste of heartbreak
Even if there is no future,for a moment please let me enjoy
現在的心跳 你給的心跳
The heartbeat just now,the heartbeat you start
就算未來不來也好 至少現在我們很好
Even if there is no future,at least we lead a good life now

我不想知道 結果不重要
I don't want to know. Ending's not vital
就算只能愛你一秒 至少能讓我的心跳 完美這一秒
Even though there's just one second to love you, in this second please perfect my heartbeat

    創作者 夏蘭荇德暴羽 的頭像

    夏暴羽的綺思狂想斷層 Stormyfeather

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