
Not long after my departure 


I began to care about how you were that day

整個畫面是妳 想妳想的睡不著

You occupied my sight, which caused my insomnia


You looked cute when you pouted your lips.


I miss your fragrance perfuming all around

我的快樂是妳 想妳想的都會笑

I smiled as I missed you. You were my source of delight


I felt so trying without you here


Without you here, I felt so trying so vexing


I felt vexing without your bother


I felt trying and vexing without you here

穿過雲層 我試著努力向妳奔跑

Cleaving the clouds, I strove to put in a sprint to you

愛才送到 妳卻已在別人懷抱

But before my love arrived, you'd been in other's arms

就是開不了口 讓她知道

I'm just not brave enough to let you know

我一定會呵護著妳 也逗妳笑

that I will always cosset you and make you laugh

妳對我有多重要 我後悔沒 讓妳知道

I regret not having told you how vital you are to me

安靜的聽妳撒嬌 看妳睡著 一直到老

I can spoil you and watch you sleep serenely till death parts us

就是開不了口 讓她知道

I'm just not brave enough to let you know

就是那麼簡單幾句 我辦不到

It just needed few words bit I couldn't make it

整顆心懸在半空 我只能夠 遠遠看著

My heart is suspended. All I can do is to watch far off

這些我都做得到 但那個人已經不是我

I can do all those things for you, but I won't be the one who you choose

    創作者 夏蘭荇德暴羽 的頭像

    夏暴羽的綺思狂想斷層 Stormyfeather

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