沒錯 我在心跳 
Yes, my heart is beating
沒錯 愛在燃燒 
That's right. Love is burning
I want to reach out to hug you
世界那麼渺小 我們往哪裡逃 
This world is so tiny. We have nowhere to hide
故事已決定好 誰是誰的主角 
The story itself has typecast the leading roles

想著 你的撒嬌 
Thinking of you cute like
看著 你的微笑 
gazing at your cute smile
I'm willing to be charmed by you
不怕別人圍剿 不聽誰的勸告 
Scorning all besiegers,we're deaf to all advice
躲進我的懷抱 擋住一切風暴 
Seek shelter in my arms. I'll shield you from all tempests

全世界還有誰 比我們還絕配
In the world there arenone perfectly matched but us
我應該去愛你 不浪費能幸福的機會 
I should have loved you, so we could seize the chance to be blissful
在愛情的面前 你我都太卑微
We're both negligible when facing our passion
愛上了 誰敢反對
Who dares to be against love?

全世界還有誰 比你懂我的淚
Whoelse in th world knows my tears more than you do?
我應該去愛你 要成為被羨慕的一對
I should have loved you, so we could be the enviable lovers
牽你的手 在人海中進退 什麼都笑著面對
Hand in hand, we went across the crowd. We'll face everything with our smiles

    創作者 夏蘭荇德暴羽 的頭像

    夏暴羽的綺思狂想斷層 Stormyfeather

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