一群嗜血的螞蟻 被腐肉所吸引 

The carrion has drawn a swarm of blood thirsty ants

我面無表情 看孤獨的風景

Without expression, I watched the lonely scene

失去妳 愛恨開始分明 

Without you, love demarcates from hate

失去妳 還有什麼事好關心

Without you, nothing will catch my attention


The dove no longer represents peace

我終於被提醒 廣場上餵食的是禿鷹

At last I'm reminded that there are hawks being fed on the square

我用漂亮的押韻 形容被掠奪一空的愛情

I try to describe my love, which had been deprived, in beautiful rhymes

啊 烏雲開始遮蔽 夜色不乾淨 

Ah, the sky began to cloud. The night was gloomy

公園裡 葬禮的回音 在漫天飛行

In the park, the air was filled with echoes of the dirge

送妳的 白色玫瑰 在純黑的環境凋零 

The white roses which I presented withered in pitch darkness


Oddly enough, the crows kept silent in the trees

靜靜聆聽 我黑色的大衣 想溫暖妳 日漸冰冷的回憶 

Listen closely. With my black heavycoat, I want to thaw out your freezing memories 

走過的 走過的 生命

and the life that we'd undergone

啊 四周瀰漫霧氣 我在空曠的墓地 

Ah, it fogs up all around. I stay in the wide graveyard


I'll love you to my old age.

為妳彈奏蕭邦的夜曲 紀念我死去的愛情

I play Chopin's nocturne for you in memory of my deceased love

跟夜風一樣的聲音 心碎的很好聽

The heart-breaking sound like the whoosh is pleasant to the ear

手在鍵盤敲很輕 我給的思念很小心

I pressed the keys lightly to express my yearning carefully


You rest in peace in the nether world

為妳彈奏蕭邦的夜曲 紀念我死去的愛情

I play Chopin's nocturne for you in memory of my deceased love

而我為妳隱姓埋名 在月光下彈琴

I incongnito play the piano for you by moonlight

對妳心跳的感應 還是如此溫熱親近

Still I keep my reactions fervent and close to your heartbeat


I miss your scarlet and ardent kiss

那些斷翅的蜻蜓 散落在這森林 

Those wings-broken dragonflies scatter in the forest

而我的眼睛 沒有絲毫同情

Yet my eyes show no sympathy for them

失去妳 淚水混濁不清 

Without you, my tears turn so turbid

失去妳 我連笑容都有陰影

Without you, there's a shadow cast on my smile

風在長滿青苔的屋頂 嘲笑我的傷心 

On the moss-grown roof, the wind is deriding my sadness, 


comparing it to an exhausted well

我用淒美的字型 描繪後悔莫及的那愛情

I depict the romance beyond regret in elegiac form

    創作者 夏蘭荇德暴羽 的頭像

    夏暴羽的綺思狂想斷層 Stormyfeather

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