Though we are still not a member of the UN, Taiwan’s international image is important. The reason why other countries don’t have a clear impression of Taiwan may be that we don’t promote Taiwan’s image to the world enough. Therfore, we have to fix some problems to enhance our international publicity.
First of all, someone has to stop the fight in the Legislative Yuan! I don’t think that those law-makers don’t see the news about their violence reported on BBC; it is quite a shame! We are the first country in Asia to embrace democracy, and many coutries are watching. There should be some rules that must be followed in the legislature. Verbal violence is tolerable, but physical violence should be strictly banned.
Second, I think that the English environment in Taiwan leaves much to be desired. For example, has someone ever noticed that the spelling of the roads and streets is confusing? The spelling system they use differs; one is Romanspelling system while the other is Hanyu pin-yin, which is used by China. Actually, the Roman spelling system is inconvenient for foreigners though it derives from the system which the Dutch missionary taught the aboriginals in Taiwan. The government should solve the problem of spelling. Also, people in Taiwan should spend more time on English. Maybe Singapore’s education is a good example; Chinese and English should be eyed equally important, because English is the key to the future so far.
There are many things to do to promote Taiwan’s international image, and I suggest that we should start from these above. Later, we should think about how to improve the sight-seeing problems and environmental rpotection. As long as we start doing, I believe that the goal won’t be too far to reach.